Frequently Asked Tree Service Company Questions – Answered By Tree Atlanta
As your trusted tree service company in Atlanta, we tend to get quite a few questions about our tree services from customers who have never ordered a tree service before. Below, we’ve answered a few of the most common questions we hear from new customers.
Why Do I Need To Worry About Tree Pruning?
Tree pruning is vital to the health of your tree. If you ignore a tree’s need to be pruned, branches and limbs can grow diseased and die out. When those limbs die and begin to rot, you risk them falling and causing serious damage to property.
Do You Have Experience With Large Tree Removal?
Yes! We do have experience with large tree removal. Give us a call today to learn more.
What Is “Bush Hogging” Used For?
As a tree service company, we use bush hogging to help clear out overgrowth on land that can be used for other purposes, or where the overgrowth has just become too much to bear.
I Have A Tree Emergency – Can You Help?
We certainly can. Give us a call right away if you’re having a tree emergency to schedule an emergency tree service.